The effects of global climate change are far-reaching, not only affecting the environment but also the health of many communities. Poor air quality, poor water quality, extreme weather events (like droughts and flooding), and food safety and security are all linked to global climate change. Ethnic communities are significantly more likely to live in areas where the impact of climate change and pollution are greater and are disparately affected by these environmental health problems.
Program Description
Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC) and the Network of Ethnic Physician Organizations (NEPO) were awarded this grant in partnership with the Public Health Institute and the National Medical Association. Climate Change and Health was a 2-year statewide initiative focused on expanding the diversity of voices speaking about the impacts of climate change on health. By mobilizing health provider champions, especially within communities of color, this initiative aimed to increase public understanding and support for climate change solutions.
Ways to Get Involved
PHC believes that health providers play a vital role in protecting the health of their communities by lending their credible voices. Each of our 30 Champions committed to performing tangible activities to impact change at the community level. These activities included:
- Authoring an Op-Ed.
- Giving a radio or a television interview, specifically targeting ethnic media.
- Giving in-person presentations.
- Introducing climate change resolutions within organized medicine.
Provider Resources
To guide Climate Change and Health Champions in educating their communities about the impacts of climate change on health, we developed key provider resources: